Advertise on our blog


Are you interested in advertising on our website?‘s targets are all the Italians interested in visiting, having a great experience in Canada or permanently move here. Every day, our blog has many visits from resident Italians, already present in BC but still following our stories and initiatives. Together with the Italian Cultural Centre of Vancouver and other associations present in the city, we try to keep the newcomers community active and promote the exchange of information between the new and the old generation.

The success our conferences and our meetings have (eg Christmas’ dinners) are perfect witnesses!

Diario da Vancouver was born in June 2011, following our move to Canada in Vancouver. At the beginning we used it to keep our parents and friends up-to-date on our new life, it’s slowly become a reference for Italians willing to understand what they should expect in Vancouver. We write about our every day lives, but we also give some technical information on how to come to Canada, which visa are required, how immigration works, how is living here.

We are also present on social platforms such as Google+Youtube e Facebook.

Why advertising on Diario da Vancouver?

Vancouver is one of the most livable cities on Earth, always listed in the top positions of “Most livable cities in the world” list. With the economic crisis afflicting Italy, more and more Italians are looking abroad for a new life. It’s natural that Canada and Vancouver are very desirable and the opportunities here, despite the distance from home, make this an attractive destination.

If you have a business in Canada and you want to spread the word across the Italian newcomers community (old and new, moving here permanently or just passing by), this is the right place.

Our blog is particularly effective when your business:
  • is in the hospitality;
  • is a receptive facility as a hotel, a B&B, a room renter;
  • is a touristic place;
  • is a school offering language classes or specialization courses;
  • offers transportation services;
  • offers immigration services and/or complementary services (translation/shipment etc…);
  • in general, wants to be known among the Italian Community.


Where my advertisement is going to show up?

According to researches on this topic, we identified, inside our website, the most effective areas to present an advertisement. There are several possibilities:
  1. AD1 – Banner on the home page, just after the latest post’s teaser. A rectangular banner of 400px width is expected here.
  2. AD2 – Banner in the sidebar, present on all the pages. The expected width is the same as the sidebar, the width/height ratio is approx 5/3.
  3. AD3 – Banner in the footer of every post and page. This banner is of the same width as the contents. The width/height ratio is approx 4:1

These are the areas we set up, but we’re open to any solution you’d like to propose! Contact us at

To have an Idea of where these areas are, here are some screenshots:



We use responsive technologies, se we cannot give exact dimensions for the banners, since these are bound to the display where the website is viewed. The user experience depends on the device’s resolution.


The fees are not fixed and depends on some parameters:

  • positioning
  • number of page views
  • number of places where the advertiser wants to advertise
  • posting duration

To have an accurate quote, contact us at

Terms and Conditions

Usually, postings have a 30-days duration, but it can be kept longer, and with conditions tailored on your needs. Contact us at for a customized offer.
Based on our experience, a static banner is more effective and gives the user more information, compared to a rotating banner or a slideshow. In this way the user has time to memorize the information and click on the ad. Considered this, our banner are static but they change among all our advertisers’s ads, on every pageview. A balancing system, grants that all the ads are shown with the same frequency.

How can I pay?

We accept Paypal or INTERAC (North America only).

…I’m interested!

Write us an email at, writing us the type of banner (we just need the code AD1, AD2 o AD3, see screenshot) and the timespan. You can also write us your idea! We’ll get back to you with a quote and our website’s analytics. Every 30 days, we can also share with you an infographic of hits and clicks on your banner through our website!